21st Annual UltraScan Analytical Ultracentrifugation Workshop 2024
August 14-16, 2024, in Missoula, Montana, USA.
Sponsored by:
Beckman Coulter,
AUC Solutions and the
Northern Rockies Center for Hydrodynamics at the University of Montana
Sponsored by: Beckman Coulter, AUC Solutions and the Northern Rockies Center for Hydrodynamics at the University of Montana
Workshop Materials
UltraScan Workshop Sample Data:
- AUC Workshop data (tar.gz archive)
- AUC Workshop data (zip archive)
- AU Nanoparticle Data(zip archive)
- SOMO PDB Structures (zip archive)
- SOMO PDB Structures (tar archive, demo directory)
- SOMO PDB Structures (zip archive, demo directory)
Miscellaneous Documents:
- Miscellaneous Manuscripts (zip archive)
- Sedimentation Velocity Data Processing Flowchart
Lecture Notes:
- Workshop Files (2019), Zip archive (PDF format)
UltraScan Installation:
- Installation help for Linux, Macintosh and Windows versions
- Installation help for the LIMS-III Database component
Additional Materials and Handouts: