UltraScan Funding:
UltraScan development has been supported over the years by multiple funding agencies, institutes and foundations. Below is a listing of agencies and grants which have provided financial support for the development of the UltraScan software:
- National Science Foundation:
- DBI 9724273
- DBI 9974819
- ANI 228927
- TG-MCB 060019T
- TG-MCB 070038
- TG-MCB 070039
- TG-MCB 070040
- OCI 1032742
- ACI 1339649
- National Institutes of Health:
- RR-022200
- RR-022200-03S1
- GM-120600
- 3R01GM120600-07S1
- S10-OD036366
- TG457201 University of Texas
- Biomolecular Interaction Technology Center, University of Delaware
- Canadian Funding Agencies:
- C150-2017-00015 Canada 150 Research Chairs
- DG-RGPIN-2019-05637 Canadian Natural Science and Engineering Research Council
- CFI-37589 Canada Foundation for Innovation
- San Antonio Life Science Institute:
- SALSI-119933
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute:
- 76200-550802
- Robert J. Kleberg Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation